Lang stap, Wit en Swart Pille, en skrywer van jou eie ervaring


Sommige dinge wat jy moet doen … is soos om jou klere te moet uittrek en kaal in ’n yskoue meer te spring. Jy skraap die moed bymekaar, pluk jou klere af, haal diep asem, hardloop, en spring.

Ander dinge is soos wanneer iemand vir jou sê, “As ons nou begin stap, behoort ons teen Donderdag daar te wees – vyf dae van nou af.” Maak nie saak met hierdie projek of jy opgewonde is nie, en daar’s geen groot oomblik waar jy jou klere afpluk, begin hardloop en spring nie. Jy moet maar net begin stap. En aanhou stap. En wanneer jy moeg raak, rus jy. En die volgende dag hou jy aan met stap.


Wat beteken dit om ’n Wit Pil te sluk? Volgens verwys dit na ’n oomblik, of ’n reeks gebeure, waardeur ’n persoon sy wanhoop laat vaar vir ’n toenemend hoopvolle uitkyk op die lewe. Dit word gedoen nie uit blote optimisme nie, maar deur moeilike omstandighede en selfs nihilisme te konfronteer met die gebruik van rede en ondersoek.

Die Wit Pil is die teenoorgestelde van die Swart Pil. Met laasgenoemde het jy ’n toenemend pessimistiese uitkyk op die lewe wat jy sien as betekenisloos, met ’n oortuiging dat die lewe altyd neerkom op lyding en smart. In die Swart Pil uitkyk word moraliteit gesien as bloot ’n konstruk of meganisme wat mense in staat stel om in relatiewe harmonie saam te leef.


Weereens: ’n Idee hoef nie noodwendig nuut te wees nie. Dalk herinner dit jou net aan iets wat jy reeds weet. Of dit bevestig iets wat jy reeds vir jouself aanvaar het. Of dit druk iets uit in ander woorde wat belangrik is om weer te hoor.

Scott Adams in Episode 1334 van sy daaglikse praatjie op YouTube (hy was besig om te praat oor traumatiese ervarings en die beste maniere om dit te hanteer, as deel van ’n groter poging om die outeur te wees van jou eie ervaring van die werklikheid): “The weird thing about reality is that sometimes an inaccurate view of reality is more functional. Sometimes an accurate view of reality is exactly what you need, but there are lots of situations where an inaccurate view of reality is better. Now I won’t give you examples. I’m just going to make that claim for now so don’t worry if this seems like too much of a simplification and you say to yourself but you’re leaving something out. It doesn’t matter for a reframing. You’re trying to keep it simple so that people can hold it in their minds. [If] I get this about eighty percent right, that’s all you need. [Forget] about, you know, being pedantic. The twenty percent where you’re saying, ‘But is it really just genes and traumas? Isn’t it also some positive …’ Forget about that. Just keep it simple. Your brain is your genes; your traumas the bad things that have happened to you; and the things that you do intentionally to make it better [are the hacks]. […] One example of a brain hack is education. So you get some education – it physically changes your brain to be more productive. And you did it intentionally, all right. [We] all agree that’s a simple thing to do. And another hack is intelligent skill stacking – putting skills together in an intelligent way that they become greater than the value of the individual skills. […] Here’s some more [examples]: associating self-rewards with habits you want to deepen is a hack. You’re literally programming your brain by rewarding yourself for this thing you want to do more often. Learning to put things in context is a hack. Practicing optimism is a hack. If you make your system – your habit – to routinely learn and test new hacks, you become the author of your own mind. And because your experience of reality is subjective, you become the author of your own experience. Your experience of life is subjective, right? Life itself might be objective, probably … there’s probably something there. But the way you experience life is purely subjective. And you can change that. And so I summarize by saying, be the hack not the trauma. Now when I say that your brain is formed by traumas in part what I’m talking about is … let’s say there was a bully who always teased you about your looks. Well, that could scar you so that you would always be concerned about your looks. [That] trauma of the bully just becomes part of your permanent personality because it actually rewires your brain. A hack does the same thing but you’re doing it intentionally to create a good outcome, all right? [If] you learn to sort of continually scour your environment for little psychology tricks, hypnosis tricks … affirmations is an optimism hack basically and a focus hack … If you make it your lifetime practice to look for ways to hack your mind and then test them out, you will be the author of your own experience. Otherwise you’re just going to be the recipient of the experience. Otherwise the world will program you. The world is going to program you if you don’t do it yourself. [You] will become just your traumas. Be the hack not the trauma. Now there’s … that’s the whole message right there.”
